Saturday, July 4, 2009

So You Think You're a Professional?

I haven't really had the time or the mental capacity to post anything in a while, but now that classes are over and I have a great interesting job that I love I think I'm going to start posting more regularly.
Anyway, my birthday was a little while back and as a gift I received a beautiful "professional" camera.
I love photography, but have never tried it. I love drawing and painting, and would have to say that I have a pretty creative eye. So when it came to the camera I thought the pictures would look great from any angle, any light. But I was so wrong.
It's not the camera as I have learned, it's absolutely an art I have to get used to. I can set up a picture how the way I want it to look, but that doesn't mean it's going to turn out the way I want it to. It's a whole new experience to think of the light, the texture, the everything! Anyway here are a few shots that I'm working on. Hopefully I can only get better.

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