Saturday, July 4, 2009

So You Think You're a Professional?

I haven't really had the time or the mental capacity to post anything in a while, but now that classes are over and I have a great interesting job that I love I think I'm going to start posting more regularly.
Anyway, my birthday was a little while back and as a gift I received a beautiful "professional" camera.
I love photography, but have never tried it. I love drawing and painting, and would have to say that I have a pretty creative eye. So when it came to the camera I thought the pictures would look great from any angle, any light. But I was so wrong.
It's not the camera as I have learned, it's absolutely an art I have to get used to. I can set up a picture how the way I want it to look, but that doesn't mean it's going to turn out the way I want it to. It's a whole new experience to think of the light, the texture, the everything! Anyway here are a few shots that I'm working on. Hopefully I can only get better.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not Another Snow Day...

When I was younger the beginning of the new year ment one thing, snow days.
One thing I loved without any doubt was a snow day, especially a well deserved snow day.
You know, one of those days where you didn't expect it, one of those days that just come out of the blue. Me and my brother would sit around the radio waiting to hear the cancallation, with my mother making breakfast behind us also wishing for that cancallation, being a teacher.
But now, now that I'm in university the last thing that I want is a snow day.
Now that I pay for school, and now that I have hideously long labs, that if missed comprimise my entire class mark.
Today is one of those days, I'm waiting on comfrimation on afternoon classes, seeing as morning classes are cancelled.
Please, please don't let me miss my stupid organic chem lab...please.