Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall. Fall. Pumpkin!

I love fall.
Best season ever, by far.
It's not sweltering, there's no snow...usually.
And of course there are pumpkins.
I love pumpkins, love them.
I love them so much that one year I begged my mother to buy me pumpkin plants so I could grow and care for my very own pumpkin .
My love for pumpkins is only out weighed by one thing. Finding the perfect pumpkins.
The other day I was looking through some fliers (yes, I now I'm an old lady) and I was so excited to find that my local grocery store had pumpkins for sale.
So I grabbed my keys and rolled on down to get me some pumpkins.
When I arrived I was so disappointed.
They were all big and round, but they were all green. Green! It was a knife in my heart.
I panicked, I had to find a place that give me my much needed pumpkin fix.
So I thought. where can I get pumpkin, an orange pumpkin?
It hit me, my local garden centre. They would be expensive, but you can't put a price on a good pumpkin.
I got to the garden centre, and I saw them; a giant crate full of small, orange pumpkins.
Immediately I picked out two of the most beautiful round, fat, perfect pumpkins and staked my claim on them by putting them on the front counter. I soon moved on to a lovely crate full of gourds. Now, I still think of pumpkins as my favorite, but gourds... gourds just make me immensely happy. So I picked out about ten or eleven gourds perfect colourful strangely shaped gourds, and put them again, on the counter.
Then I saw them. Big beautiful pumpkins. I looked up and down the tables of pumpkins feeling their hard, cold, smooth skin. Carefully picking them up by their green prickly stems.
And then I saw him, he was beautiful.
He was tall, and fat. He was the perfect shade of orange, not too light not too deep. I looked over his strong figure,and checked over his skin for any major imperfections.
He seemed perfect.
I picked him, grabbing his stem first and noticed that he was very heavy, so I grabbed his bottom.
I was crushed. My perfect pumpkin was almost completely soft underneath.
So I slowly put him back, saying my last farewell and sauntered up to the front counter completely depressed.
While I was paying for my lovely little pumpkins, I realized that this shouldn't be a sad time.
I should be excited that I still have the pumpkins that I picked out, and that I still have the thrill of picking out a big beautiful perfect pumpkin another day.
I have still yet to find the perfect pumpkin. The most immaculate pumpkin is just in my reach, I can feel it...

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